Discovering my personal style has been a true growing experience. One of self-discovery, worship and armour, as well as a creative outlet.


In the past, I dabbled in dressing for others to fit in and feel accepted by tuning out my voice. I dressed to cover the shame I felt regarding my body and weight by wearing baggy clothing that created an “illusion” and disguised my arms and legs.


You see, doing either of those things didn’t feel wholesome to me or glorify God. Instead, I was left feeling ingenuine and somewhat empty. A fragmented shell of who God had made me to be. Compromising everything for false and temporary satisfaction, without realising that it was security in my identity that I was looking for all along.


"We are so accustomed to masquerade ourselves before others that we end by deceiving ourselves”  - François de La Rochefoucauld


Assurance in our identity is the one thing we as humans desire most, but it is found in the opposite place from where we are told to look. True safety, identity, and expression are only found in the arms of the Father.


I began to draw a connection between my style and how I am called to give glory to God through those choices. It may sound ridiculous, but this looks like inviting Christ into my outfit decisions daily. Because Jesus ransomed our sin-stained hearts and traded our rags for His riches. Our clothing can now become a direct representation of God’s grace. 


A gift we can steward - because the way we present ourselves as women of God does carry eternal value.


To seek beauty is to truly seek Christ.
And discover
That you are
Worthy of Wearing
The identity-adorned pieces
That causes you to shine and radiate
In the loving, safe arms of the Father.


Today, ask God to help you relinquish the fear of man, so you can receive true safety and security of your identity that is found in the Lord. So you can let your light shine before all.



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